About our pilgrimage

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas 2012

Christmas 2012

The uncreated Light,
From cosmic heights,
And through space immeasurable,
Came to be the Light of man
Upon the earth.

The creative Word,
Sounding from the dawn of time,
And through the ages of ages,
Took human form
And walked among us.

As the outer darkness grows,
May this Light shine in our souls,
And be revealed in our deeds,
Preparing a new dawn.

As the din of chaos clamors,
May this Word resound in our spirits,
Creating peace and order in our minds,
Bringing harmony in our lives and in our world.

May the Word of God,
The Light of the world,
The Christ-child,
Be born again in our hearts,
This Christmas and beyond!

With best wishes for a blessed Christmas and New Year 2013,

Alexandra and William